NOVEMBER Artichoke in the morning dew Inventory in progress MIND visits ELL Jo's fuchsia cuttings fig cutting waiting for dormancy foraging friend
OCTOBER seed collecting Saturday #3 squirrel protectionseed collecting Saturday #2 - newspaper potsseed collecting Saturday #1
SEPTEMBER Roberto Perez visits ELL The Met visits ELL Unexpected (and delighted!) guests Jo sorting seeds on our new work bench New faces at the nursery
AUGUST We Love Dirt Jane bud grafting Bud Graft Showcase Bed Flowers Everlasting Onion Day Lily
JULY Chip bud graftsHealed GraftShowcase Bed gone crazysite from Northcomparison shot seed bed bud grafted plums
JUNE Kiraz and Ray identifying plants
Bed 2 - Giant Red Mustard rainwater harvestingrainwater
MAY 2011 showcase bedShowcase bedMahmud with Jane peeping through the greenhouseDeanna making MORE signs
APRIL 2011 plants for salenew signsDeannaSignwriterssuch a perfect day showcase bedgrafted treesfirst customer Danny by motherbed Ray